Archive for category Photo albums

New Mexico trip – Chaco Culture Natl Park

Long day: Santa Fe to Chaco Culture National Historical Park then to Durango, Colorado. The last few miles to Chaco Canyon were an adventure: unpaved, washboard dirt road for 13 miles. But what a cool place! This is a shot of a portion of the huge “Pueblo Bonito” site.

In Durango, we stayed at the Doubletree Hotel in a comfy corner room with a patio overlooking the Animas River.

—» Here’s an album of Chaco Canyon photos.

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New Mexico trip – Bandelier Natl Monument

Drove from Santa Fe to Bandelier NM ( Afternoon on to Los Alamos where we spent some time in the Bradbury Science Museum and watched a movie about the development of the atomic bomb and history of the city.
—» Album of Bandelier photos.

Back in Santa Fe we had time to browse a few more galleries and finished the day with dinner at Inn of the Anasazi in Santa Fe to celebrate my birthday.

—» Here are some photos of some sculptures we liked.

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Golf – Black Mesa GC, New Mexico

9:10 tee time with Tim Fusco at Black Mesa Golf Club about 25 miles north of Santa Fe. Beautiful, challenging, interesting course: it appears in the “top 100 courses” lists of several golf magazines. Didn’t play very well, shooting a 96 with just two pars and one birdie.

—» Here are a few photos of the course.

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